Уже больше недели студенты по всей ЮАР протестуют против повышения цен на образование.

Демонстрации начались после того, как администрация Витватерсрандского университета объявила о 10%-ном повышении стоимости обучения со следующего академического года и вводе регистрационного налога величиной около 752 долларов. 

Недовольства перекинулись и на соседние кампусы, включая Университет Кейптауна. 

В среду студенты провели марш у здания парламента. Полицейским такие меры не понравились, и они начали отгонять протестующих с помощью резиновых пуль. 

Учащиеся протестуют не только против самих университетов, но и всего правительства — по их мнению, такая политика губит университеты ЮАР.

В частности студенты обращаются к министру образования Блэйду Нзиманде. Он предложил снизить повышение цен до 6%, но лидеры студенческих движений на такой компромисс идти не хотят и требуют полностью бесплатного образования для бедных.

Still waiting for the VC to come to the students #lessoninconflictmanagement #nmmufeesmustfall #feesmustfall

Фото опубликовано Chris Allen (@allenvisuals)

@Regrann from @mrcashtime: #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall - via #Regrann

Фото опубликовано Njabulo Ntshangase (@njabulo_ntshangase)


Фото опубликовано The_Blackanese (@zondinoxolo)

Current situation at wits.. students meeting and laying out plans and ideas on the way fwd #FeesMustFall

Фото опубликовано abdul (@iamtondani)

I never buy news papers! BUT #FeesMustFall

Фото опубликовано Minnie_So_Sax™ (@baddieboosax)

A Cape Town Improvement District security guard stands on an empty Church Square, outside one of the entrances to Parliament. Minutes before the square was crowded with students who were chased off by riot police. Hours before students were protesting outside and inside the grounds of Parliament, calling for Blade Nzimande, the minister of higher education. They were chased off, brutalised, arrested by police in riot gear who used stun grenades. They were unarmed. Parliament went on as normal. The protesters are calling for a drop in university fees #feesmustfall #nationalshutdown. 6 of the 50 arrested in Cape Town have allegedly been charged with high treason. Every revolution needs a symbol. #bellville6 Photograph by Barry Christianson @thesestreetsza #thesestreetsza #everydayafrica #everydayeverywhere #capetown #southafrica

Фото опубликовано Everyday Africa (@everydayafrica)

SHARPEVILLE. MARIKANA. FEESMUSTFALL WHO PROTECTS US FROM YOU. Today students across South Africa has a nation-wide shutdown of universities in protest of the 10,8% fee increases proposed for next year. In Cape Town, students from the University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology and University of the Western Cape, along with supporters of the student movement, mobilised and conducted a peaceful protest outside parliament in preparation for Blade’s Nzimande address, which was scheduled for 2pm. Instead, we were made to wait an hour, then we were met with what I would describe as a military operation conducted by the South African Police Services, taken straight from the days of Apartheid. DIVIDE - INTIMIDATE - BRUTALIZE. In gangs of policeman, they beat our sisters to the ground, trampled their defenseless bodies, through stun grenades, smoke grenades, pepper spray, and cordoned off the students into smaller groups so that they could fuck us up even more. In order to disperse the crowd, the police now on motor-bikes and armed with guns with rubber bullets set off on a path of what can only be described as sadistic POLICE BRUTALITY. We are unarmed intelligent students who understand that if we allow fees to go up by 10%, then in ten years time, fees will be doubled, and blacks will become uneducated cheap labour- once again, fit only for building the palaces of white supremacy. #FEESMUSTFALL #ENDOUTSOURCING #nationalshutdown #policebrutality

Фото опубликовано Revolutionist // South Africa (@imraanchristian)

UJ and Wits students on the outside calling the IJ APK students to help them #FeesMustFall #nationalshutdown

Видео опубликовано Move! Magazine (@movemagazine)

#FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #FeesMustFall #nationalshutdown with @zibusisozethu_sithole

Видео опубликовано Move! Magazine (@movemagazine)

#nationalshutdown #FeesMustFall

Фото опубликовано Move! Magazine (@movemagazine)